St Francis College Wagga Wagga Application for Residency

Important: Before completing this application, please read this declaration:
- I hereby apply for admission to Saint Francis College.
- I declare that the information I have provided in this application is true and portrays my character accurately.
- If information provided by me is found to be inaccurate my application may be revoked and/or my residency may be terminated.
- I agree to abide by the conditions of occupancy and all College regulations.

* indicates the field is compulsory

10th February 2025 - 08:00
Applicant Personal Details
Open Calendar
Applicant Contact Details
You will receive confirmation of your application to the email address which you supply. Please ensure that you type the address accurately. Please check this email regularly as all correspondence will occur via email.
Residential Address
Postal Address
Same as Residential Address
Family Details
Mother (or Guardian)
Father (or Guardian)
Emergency Contact Details
Educational Background
Provide names and places of education, and years of attendance
Note: Applicants who have already commenced tertiary studies must send their academic transcript
Tell us More About Yourself
(Provide details of your interests and involvement in any of the following)
Identification / Photos
You may attach two photos of yourself.

Photo One: This should be a fairly 'closeup' image of yourself for identification purposes, and should not include others in the shot (unless it is obvious that the others in the photo would not be applying to get into the college, eg Dad or Grandma).

Photo Two: This should be a shot which expresses your personality, eg if you are mad about horses, you might like to attach a pic of yourself with your horse, or if you are a footy legend, you might like to attach a pic of yourself with your premiership winning team.

Note: File must be in jpeg format (.JPG) and must be smaller than 1MB.
Upload a new file
Upload a new file
I hereby apply for admission to Saint Francis College. I understand that there is greater demand for accommodation than places available at the college. I declare that the information I have provided in this application is true and portrays my character accurately. If information provided by me is found to be inaccurate my application may be revoked and/or my residency may be terminated. I agree to abide by the conditions of occupancy and all College regulations.
Random letters for verification
Please type the characters exactly as they appear in the image above.